Genrerally we recommend anywhere between 6 and 18 months depending on the amount and type of use. Remember also just because it looks clean doesn't mean it is.
We deal with water damage of some description every day. From a burst pipe to a broken fish tank. Each is different and needs to be dealt with in different ways. However, a lot of peoples stress is AM I COVERED IF I CAUSED IT? Well its called accidental damage insurance. Whether its an overflowed sink or bathtub or an overflowed washing machine. Most homeowners have home and contents. Why do you need contents? Because carpet is the moan content. But that’s a part of the house I hear you say. No. Its contents. This is why it important to make sure that your contents insurance covers bot only beds, TV’s etc but also your carpet.
For the most part warranties on carpets have gotten out of hand. Some even have lifetime guarantees on what things that just will never happen or for stains that aren’t your standard stains. Most don’t cover food dye stains and nearly all food and drinks have it in it, even your coffee has a tannin in it. However, most people don’t realise that your carpet needs to be cleaned by a professional carpet steam cleaner regularly and receipts need to to be produced. Why do we consider our company the best solution for this? We are not only professional but we are also IICRC trained. Our equipment to produce meets their requirements and we also keep duplicates of the receipts.
If you have bought carpet in the last 18 months its not too late. It usually needs to be done every 12 to 18 months.
In our business the more efficient we can be the better. However, not at the cost of quality. Our costs are higher because our overheads are higher, but with out these overheads we can’t supply you with a quality clean, Our costs, just to name a few include:
Most tenants don’t realise this but the carpet in a house is actually your responsibility to insure. Carpets are classed as contents in a building and as a tenant you are responsible to cover the contents including your own possessions. If you get broken into or have a fire you will be covered if your insurance covers that. Also if you have accidental damage it can cover you for wine stains, pet damaged carpet from chewing or urine, or in the case of the image below where baby oil had spilt and delaminated the carpet.And yes it can even cover my old favourite, the iron burn mark. If you haven’t got contents insurance you really need to think about it. When you go to move out and your property manager wants the carpet replaced because of a stain that is locked in or burn mark and even from a pet ‘wizzing’ in one room in particular. You can contact brokers like HIB and get the best deal. Some contents insurance is as low as $5 a week.
We offer the basic carpet cleaning package because some carpets don’t need a full on alkaline prespray with extraction rinses. Some just need a neutral to alkaline clean with acid rinses. These are only for cleanish carpets where getting the carpets cleaned for an end of lease requirement is needed. This is NOT for dirty carpets and should not be used as a cheap carpet clean. When we carry out our carpet cleaning in Toowoomba we make sure that you are aware of this first on this site, then by the initial phone enquiry and finally by and email when you have booked.
The basic clean dopes not come with a guarantee. Why? because if the soiling is high and the property manager has an issue than the carpet obviously was not cleanish but highly soiled. It is totally up to the client, when booking, to be honest and if not then they will have to cover higher costs associated with fixing the issue.
It is up to the individual company. We do do it for our deluxe cleaning package with a signed disclaimer. With other packages we do not move them due to WH&S and Insurance Claims we do not move heavy furniture or expensive items. Coffee tables and dining chairs and items such as these we move, no worries, and endeavour to make sure you don’t do too much. We have special sliders we use in our deluxe cleaning and that takes into account time to move and to bring moving aids.
We had a client say she wanted her carpets cleaned on a Friday afternoon as she hoped that when she came back from going away it would be dry. We were in shock. She revealed that she had been using a local carpet cleaner for years and the carpet cleaner has been around for many years. However, it seems that their methods and equipment may be the original ones they started with. You see carpet steam cleaning should dry within 8 hours, even if using a portable machine. Why? Because the amount of water output needs to be relevant to the input. In other words if you don’t have the suction to pick up 300 psi you need to put down a less amount of water. That is why truckmount cleaning is preferred as more water can be put in to suspend dirt and extract, So how do you avoid getting a soaked carpet?
A client of ours, after seeing how great of a result we delivered and great customer service, sent us this. This is what you get with cheap carpet cleaners. Someone rockin up at your house with a $400 dollar carpet cleaning machine to over wet your carpets and take a good 2 or 3 hours out of your time. Over wetting carpet with jute or hessian backing can cause the cellulose to come out and cause cellulose staining or browning which needs specific chemistry to return it to the its original state. WH&S is not option with our service and full uniform is guaranteed, especially shoes.
Firstly, make sure that the are is not affected by electricity. if so turn it off at the power box and get it inspected by a qualified electrician. We will get there as soon as possible and extract the water and set up drying equipment. We do work for most insurance companies and are qualified Water Restoration Technicians with the IICRC. Call our emergency number if you need us on 0421 517 466
Pest Control should always be done after carpet cleaning as the cleaning process can remove a lot of the pest agent especially in the case of flea treatments. Call us today to book both and receive a $22 discount 4635 8045.
The Experts in Carpet, Rug, Lounge & Tile Cleaning